Wednesday, March 28, 2012

This is a quote from one of the boys that we worked with at the Center of Talibés in Africa. 

He spoke thru google translate, since he was "imported" from a neighboring country and speaks very little or no French or English-  I spent a lot of the time with him, for he was extremely eager to learn to read and write English, French or German; whatever he could that he thought would help him to survive as a forced student of the koran in an alien land not of his own nationality; It really touched my heart. ♥ 

This is Thierno- the young man who said this:

Thierno:  hello stephanie
Stephanie: hi Thierno!  ça va? remember all that we taught you...
And make sure to take care of eachother.
Take care of the boys.
and remember we are praying for you
Thierno: thank you for the advice, your team is the best team that the center has never received
Lots you have motivated, and you have given us the love that we needed 

Stephanie: that is just a TINY taste of the love of Jesus Christ;
we wanted to share it with you, we love you

End conversation via facebook


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