Friday, November 11, 2011

I answer Questions... and good ones at that! !

 I have been having a hard time writing these blogs lately,, in fact I have several saved blogs that I never posted b.c I could not adequately describe what has been going on here. Not that it is bad or good or whatever, but just SO much, I couldn't decide what to share. So, I received these questions from a family member, and I thought- these questions would be great to answer on my blog, so here I am!

A few questions:
* weather report-  warm or cold   wet or dry ?
For one- France is GREEN! Others say it has been a dry fall and not moist at all, but since I am from one of the driest (if not the driest) state in the Union, I came here and at once commented on how MOIST it is here. It is covered in moss, all the trees covered in ivy (a bad thing for the trees I am sure) When we  first got here in Sep, it was HOT. Not too humid, mainly nice and perfect, kinda hot and a little sweaty. Then, the grass got drier and drier (but still generally every thing is still green) and it did not rain, a little cold ..(not even brisk) in the morning, but cool.. and it did that for all of Oct,, a few times it rained. We can always tell it is going to rain b.c the smokestacks on the nuclear power plant (imagine the Simpsons- they look exactly like those ones)  turns towards the north instead of going in all the other directions like they always do. So, then for the last 2 weeks, it has RAINED. and Rained, and RAINED. The ground in France can accept A LOT more water than the ground in Reno. It rained for almost a straight week, and off and on for 2 weeks. It is foggy this morning, and for the first time I saw a little frost on the ground this morning.. NOT like frost in Reno, it's too warm to be threatening. The grass has greened due to all the rain, and it is not cold enough to kill it. We did however, hear on the news that Italy was flooding, or Spain. Probably both, and some parts south of here in France. Much of the base has rooms underground, so they are always musty and humid.
* How is the new guy doing that came as an interpreter and now has stayed?  
The "new" guy,, he is a student! It is amazing, he went home that weekend, brought back his parents (they were very excited and wanted to see what made their son want to get involved) and when they went home, they told his church about his call here and they supported him right away!~ It was amazing to see how God worked so fast and so radically in his life. He is our 9th student, and our 3rd guy- so he was much needed for the school.
* What is your main responsibility there? 
 Nolan and I are supposed to 1.) lead by example, we don't ask the students to do anything that we didn't do ourselves first. So, if they have to cook in the kitchen, we do as well. If they have to cut weeds in the field, we do it too. Upkeep of the base is important.  We all need to eat, so we all share in cooking. 2.) We are to meet once a week with our assigned students. I have 2 girls that I have 1:1's with to make sure they are doing ok in the school, to encourage and pray for them. Nolan has 2 guys he does his one and ones with. We also have to read their book reports, and their weekly journal entries, where they respond to the week's teaching, living in community and what not. We are letting God work on our hearts just like the students. 3). I am the worship leader, so  I either lead with my guitar, or have a student lead with me. The goal is that every student will have lead worship and intercession before the Outreach. So, I train and encourage them in their craft or in leading.  Most are better than me anyway, but we all need encouragement in life, so I am here. 4) We are present for every teaching unless we are cooking, and we even gave an evangelism teaching (which went really horrible for me and I cried afterwards, but Nolan had fun). That way, we know what the students are getting so we can help with any problems they have with it. It is a hard process to be in a discipleship training school because God does A LOT of heart surgery on the students, the staff and everyone involved.
* If you don't go to Senegal, do you know at this time if you will just stay there longer or go somewhere else?
We are still needing most of our money for Senegal, but we still are holding out our faith that we will receive what we need from the Lord, and after Senegal,, we hope to stay here longer. Oddly enough, we are part of the answer to many of the base-leader's prayers for more staff.  If we can stay here as long as our visa allows, we will. That is one year. We'll see! I am praying for support and direction.
* How often do you go into town?
Town. It is small, and a ten minute walk away. Every Sunday we walk to church, (a small little church of mostly elderly and us) Also, there is a small grocery store or 2, and ATM, and the little town square. A lot of the photos on here are from the town. St.Paul is very small, and doesn't have a lot of people, mostly vineyards and wineries. Lots of farm land and lavender.  The forest is right next to us, maybe a 1,ooo feet high, maybe less, we are on the way to the quarry, right next to old, underground tunnels (maybe escape routs from Roman times or WWII?)  This weekend we have another baptism of a student. !
* Are you the cook?
 NO! Thank goodness, but I do cook once or twice a week, and we all share in that. We also wash dishes after meals on a roster.  
* Does Nolan Bar-B-Que?
Yes, when it's not raining.
* Can you drink wine during church like we can drink coffee?
haha, yes the church has wine after the service. Nobody has too much, and it's very mild, and we have crackers and nuts and other snackies. They put "cassis" in the white/red boxed wine to sweeten it to a flavor. It is good. The students have no wine. I have a glass every once in a while.
* Can you see the Eiffel Tower from where you are or must you go up on the roof?
  haha, no,. but I want to be a part of "Paris J'taime" next summer. It's a 3 week program where a whole bunch of YWAMers (or JEMiers) go to the Eiffel Tower and do art, music, dramas, and other evangelism at the base of the tower in the public square and it is going to be awesome next year!!!

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