Sunday, December 11, 2011

leaving so soon? might need to bring some things...

So, Senegal fast approaches; we must get ready. A list of things we need in order to go... (well, Jan 4th anyways)
1. malaria pills- don't want any weird malaria dreams and disease

 2. yellow fever shots- already got this, and it is good for 10 years so, yay!
3. Mosquito net- really? are they really gonna care if I am in there just at night? They will just get me when I get out, hence the malaria pills.
4. Guitar- my left-handedness makes me have to bring a separate one just for me,, what a prima-donna.. :P
5. Beads- I really WANT to bring these heavy bitties along, but don't know that I will be able to manage it
6. clothes- that don't show my.... knees GASP!! EEK! EVIL WOMAN FLESH!
7.a swim suit- somehow this is ok? (well, not really, but in a far away place from all our ministry, we will have a chance to swim in a real swimming pool)
8. Ipod- can't really expect I would leave with out it? but no computers! They will get ruined in the dust and dirt and we mustn't have that! Intenet cafe's if we must! 
9. song charts- if I only had a better memory, well someday I will practice practice practice
10. Bibles!! we were given 50 French Bibles to give and we must take pictures of us giving them away for the organization that gave them to us. I hope that goes over well, luckily I have the experience that people generally like taking pictures with foreigners 
11.A Spoon- (One team wore a spoon around their necks so as to always have a "handy" utensil at-the-ready.) We won't go that far, but we are purchasing spoons for the occasion. How else do you expect us to eat from a plate on the ground with several other people- and I thought the Asians were crazy for eating rice with chopsticks, but as opposed to my right hand, I will be envious of those who utilize things such as sticks to eat with. I am hoping I don't "curse" the plate by reaching for things with my dominate "evil" hand. 

                 I am sure there is more, besides toiletries and stuff, but for now that is all I can think of. 
 this is an African-style meal that we ate on the floor with our hands and in the traditions of muslims in Africa. This is one practical thing we did in order to learn the culture.


  1. Evil woman flesh lady.......I will look after your beads, dangling them from my evil flesh knees......and the mosquito's are cunning....they know when it's dark....and there are other night time bugs you wouldn't want to share your bed with either....eight legged ones...........
    And you wonder why I'm happy to stay...moouuhahaha!
